Abstract painting using da Vinci TOP-ACRYL series 5040
Abstract painting with TOP-ACRYL series 5040
TOP-ACRYL - the extraordinarily durable synthetic fibre mixture of different diameters and lengths provides this proven series with perfect colour absorption, hight elasticity and strength. It is especially suitable for painting with acrylic colours, both transparent and pasty.
We show you how to create an abstract piece of art for your home using our TOP-ACRYL artist brush no. 5040.
Convince yourself how easy it is!

Brush: da Vinci TOP-ACRYL series 5040
Colour: Schmincke Akademie Acryl® in a tube – choose harmonizing colours which fit into your room concept. Ideally decide on two bright and one very dark colour. Also get yourself lots of white paint, for example from the hardware or do-it-yourself store, or structure paint
Surface: canvas, cardboard or acrylic paper (for example from Hahnemühle Papers) Other assets: hairdryer, picture frame, cardboard or foil for underneath to keep your working space clean
Step 1 – preparation:
Prepare your workspace, so no furniture or other things can get dirty with paint. When performing abstract painting, colour can easily splash or squeeze around your actual painting surface. Put a big piece of cardboard (or comparable) underneath your canvas and wear old clothes.
Tip: Keep a rag and some dish soap in reach, so you can react immediately on splashes.
Step 2 – background:
Your first job is to cover the complete surface with white paint. Feel free to lavish it, so you develop a nice structure for your painting. The TOP-ACRYL brush 5040 makes it easy to absorb much colour. In the example we use white paint from the hardware store. It is very affordable since you need a lot of paint right in the beginning of this project. Otherwise, you could also use structure paint and mix it with white colour.

Tip: Let your layers dry from time to time, maybe use a hairdryer.
Step 3 – rough details:
After your background dried and gained some structure, you can start with colour composition. Don ‘t be shy to use some pressure on your brush – the TOP-ACRYL fibre composition is very forgiving.
You can switch between covering and glazing. Start with bright colour and work slowly towards the dark tones, then back to bright again.

Tip: Squeeze the paint directly onto your paintbrush, so nothing will get lost on the mixing pallet.
Step 4 – structure:
Now softly spread the colour you put on your surface before. Let the brush slide with only little pressure. That way you don’t sweep all the paint und you can create pretty structures. As a hack you might combine with an old brush with dried paint already on it, so you can create even more different types of patterns.

Tip: You can repeat the different procedures several times until you are satisfied with your result.
Step 5 – fine details:
The surface is now completely dried and misses just a few last details. In our example we used two different types of paint splashes.
Variant 1 - Swirls:
For this technique we dipped our TOP-ACRYL brush series 5040 in plenty of colour. To gain the wanted effect we held the brush transverse, so the paint gathers on the edge of the brush. That way you create a fine colour thread, which you can lead over your picture in slow and fast circling movements. Repeat to dip your brush into the paint occasionally.
Variant 2 - Splashes:
For this technique we put some colour on a mixing pallet and combined with some water. With this consistency you can splash paint drops over your picture with many fast movements.
Best would be to use both variants with each one colour. This way your picture becomes interesting, but not too unsettled.

Tip: Let your painting dry for at least 48 hours after you are done.
You did it! Your abstract painting is now complete! If you want, you can put your picture into a nice frame und then place it onto your wall.
You can find a short video with this tutorial on our Instagram and TikTok channel.

Did you like this posting, but you don’t own a TOP-ACRYL brush yet??
No problem – click HERE and find all retailers in your area, where you can purchase your TOP-ACRYL artist brush.
Have fun creating your art piece!